
Marketing Gems

Mining for Information: Marketing Gems Podcast Ep. 1

Mining for Information: Marketing Gems Podcast Ep. 1

In this episode of the Marketing Gems podcast, Sapphire Strategy CEO and Founder, Jenn Lisak Golding talks about the first of three phases of the Marketing Lifecycle Model—Mining. Along with Jen Edds of the Brassy Broadcasting Company, Jenn discusses why this...

The Library Approach to Content

The Library Approach to Content

Effective content marketing can answer questions your audience never knew they wanted answered. It transforms your subject matter expertise into a digestible, ready-to-read format that prospects or customers can peruse at their leisure. The key is to create the right...

How a CEO Works (and Plays) from Home

How a CEO Works (and Plays) from Home

As the founder and CEO of Sapphire Strategy, a small business (like so many others) affected by a global pandemic, I wanted to share some working from home strategies that work well for me and be honest about what’s become more difficult. I hope that by sharing my...

6 Tips for Working from Home When You Live There, Too

6 Tips for Working from Home When You Live There, Too

Over the past couple of weeks, many organizations have been faced with the challenge of figuring out how to move their teams to a remote work environment, while also thinking about how they can stay productive. At Sapphire, we are lucky to already enjoy the freedom to...