To 8 and Beyond: Reflecting on 8 Years of Business

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Team Sapphire

In a never-ending cycle of “holy moly, how does time go by this fast?”, Sapphire is celebrating eight years in business this year. 

While every year in business is worth a celebration, most tend to recognize anniversaries in intervals of five (five-year, ten-year, etc.). This particular anniversary, however, is special to me. When the number eight is flipped on its side, the symbol represents infinity. As a board-certified nerd, I’ve always loved secret meanings. When I found out about this nuance when I was young, I proudly declared that eight would forever be my favorite number and haven’t looked back. 

Had you told my eighteen-year-old self that I would be celebrating eight years of business at 37, I would have been shocked. I always knew I wanted to start my own business someday, but I also thought that I wouldn’t be able to do it until I was at least 40. But at 23 years old, I had the unique and incredible opportunity to work for Doug Karr, who became the greatest mentor I could have ever asked for and who accelerated my career by years. He is a large part of the reason I’m a successful marketer and entrepreneur. I will forever be grateful. (And he introduced me to Harry Howe, who has supported me [and numerous entrepreneurs] since the beginning, always offering sage advice and guidance.)

In January of 2017, I started my business unexpectedly in the middle of buying a house, planning a wedding, and preparing to get married to the love of my life. Needless to say, it was an expensive year. As I was contemplating my next steps, I asked Ryan what to do as this was one of those big scary decisions. I could go into corporate, make more money, maybe work less, and probably be absolutely miserable, or I could start my own business, work more, make less (at least in the beginning). and feel fulfilled in a whole new way. To this day, I will never forget when he turned to me and said, “You know what you need to do.” The next day, I incorporated the business.

Eight years has had its ups and downs, but it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life—and continues to be. I proudly lead seven other team members, all of which have been with us for at least two years or more. Kylie, my longest veteran, took a chance on me in the beginning, coming on board when the business was less than six weeks old. I wasn’t even sure how I was going to make payroll. I will never forget the trust she instilled in me.  

Today, I celebrate this milestone with my team, friends, family, and partners. Success is never accomplished alone, and it’s incredibly humbling to take a step back and look at all we’ve accomplished. 

To my team members, past and present: Thank you for believing in the business we’ve built and for all of the contributions you’ve made. Every day, I wake up and am grateful to have the best team of people around me I could ask for. 

To my advisors and partners: Thank you for sharing your innumerable gifts and sage advice with me. I will never forget it. 

To my fellow women entrepreneurs: Thank you for cheering for me on the sidelines and for sharing your wisdom. Please know I’m equally in your corner every single day. 

To my friends: Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in my abilities. It means more than you will ever know. 

To my family: Thank you for giving me the courage to take the leap and for the support you’ve provided along the way. I love you. 

To 8 and beyond,
Jenn Lisak Golding
Founder and CEO